Sunday, December 23, 2012

The Currency of Love

Love came down at Christmas, Love all lovely, Love divine:
Love was born at Christmas; star and angel gave the sign.
Love shall be our token; love be yours and love be mine;
Love to God and others, love for plea and gift and sign.

In this lovely poem by Christina Rosetti, a world where love is the currency of the realm is imagined. It got me to thinking; what would our world be like if its most valued, most precious, and most plentiful resource was love? What if, instead of money, we threw love at the problems of our world? What if we lavishly spent our love on each other, confident that more could just be 'minted'? Imagine a currency with no scarcity!

In our world, love is available freely to us, with no scarcity or shortage. The thing is, I think it is a little like the manna the people encountered in their wanderings in the wilderness. That manna fell in plentiful supply, with enough for everyone, every single day. Human nature being what it is though, there were those who tried to hoard the manna against some future scarcity, thinking to safeguard or enrich themselves. The thing about the manna, though, is that it was only good if used (eaten) the day it fell; otherwise, that manna spoiled and rotted, tucked away for greed.

Let us trust enough in the Maker of Love to lavishly spend our love on God and each other, confident in its unending supply. Yes, we can 'just print more'!

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