Wednesday, March 11, 2015 in the coming

A clarion call from the heart of earth,
"The Unsearchable is the most high!
The world you have imagined for us
is set in its course; there it shall spin.
You rule among your people 
with an even and discerning hand."
The stars sing,
the very earth thrums with joy;
the seas churn and and foam their praise,
creatures of the deep take note;
the waving fields bend, 
ready for the offering, 
beasts of the field yield up praise. 
Now the trees,
even the trees of the forest --
where the shadows lie 
long and cool and silent --
even the trees begin their humming.
I hear it, even now, a sound of pure joy
before you, Mystery; 
for you are coming,
you are coming to be judge
on this blue and green planet.
And there is joy in the coming, 
because in the judging, most high,
there is truthful rightness.
---Psalm 96:10-13 (para. laca)

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