whatever comes, He’ll stand beside you, to bear you
through the evil days;
who trusts in God’s unchanging love builds on the Rock
that cannot move.
---Georg Neumark, 1657
skies are gonna clear up! Put on a happy face!
off the clouds and cheer up! Put on a happy face!”
Penned by lyricist Lee Adams for the mod musical Bye Bye
Birdie, these upbeat lyrics spread a
‘feel-good gospel’—just smile, because life is gonna be all rainbows and flower
gardens. Good things happen to good people! You attract what you resemble!
…and, by implication, if life is not so good, you must be doing it
Well, friends, this hymn, 460 years old this year, calms me
considerably. Because frankly, what I just described isn’t my life, not every
day. Some days, my smile may be a little forced, or absent altogether. Some
days, my happy face may be grimy with struggle, or streaked with tears. And on
those days? On those days, the last thing I need is the added guilt of
believing that my struggle is proof of my failure to live right, proof of my
lack of faith.
This life, with our good God, is not lived above the fray,
but in its midst—in the grimy, scary, tough middle. What promise, what comfort,
then, that we don’t make our way through these days alone, but in the company
of God beside us. What better place to
pitch our tent than on the solid rock of the abiding love of God.
Life shifts and changes, but the love of God…it is the
unchanging presence on which we stand.