all nature sings, and round me rings the music of the
This is my Father's world, I rest me in the thought
of rocks and trees, of skies and seas; his hand the
wonders wrought.
---Maltbie D. Babcock, 1901
At the time of writing, I am at Montreat Conference
Center, where I am growing and learning at the annual Conference on Worship and
Music. And friends, literally everything here is entrusted with a song! There
is not a room, porch, or open space where the sounds of song, instrument,
prayer, laughter, discourse, encouragement, children's games do not float on
the breeze (even the breeze may be whispering!). Open windows and doors let the
sounds blend and weave in delicious ways. I would swear to you that even the
rhododendron leaves rubbing together in the night wind, the water spilling over
the falls, the rocks being skipped in the lake are composing their own
Foothills tune, secret and turning and hard to catch, but no less real.
Physicists and astronomers tell us that the universe even vibrates in tune to
its own pitch --- B-flat...that's right, the universe is singing!
What a world we people, where even nature sings! Whose mind
could conceive, whose hand shape, whose presence bless a thrumming, vibrating,
singing universe like ours?
This good God, Creator and Nurturer and Sustainer of this
wild symphony, solar system to cell! Thanks be!
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