giving guidance on our journey, as we seek to find our
When we walk through fiery trials, You will help us take
a stand;
when we pass through troubled waters, You hold out Your
tender hand.
---Jann Aldredge-Clanton, 2000
Motherhood is often a balancing act. When to insist on
vegetables first at dinner, when to sneak a little dessert in? When to stretch
that last bedtime story to two (or three, or…)? When to let the baby cry it
out, when to gather her up in your arms and tuck her in beside you? When shorts
pants and knickers, when blue jeans and khakis? When to protect, when to
challenge? When to comfort, when to brush off? When to support, when to
caution? When to hold on, when to let go?
The same could be said of fatherhood, I’m sure (don’t know,
never been a father). The thing is, this holy dance of parenthood is a weaving,
the weft and warp that colors the character of our children. And God, in whose
image we are created, and our pattern in all things, models for us both the
compassion and the courage of a mother or a father for us.
For God offers both comfort and guidance, each in
appropriate measure and at appropriate time. And when flood waters or trial
fires rise around us, God’s hand is reaching out --- ahead of us, to rescue us;
or at our backs, to urge us on to our own brave action. Because, in our best
moments, that’s what mothers, and fathers, do.
We can hear You gently saying, “Do not worry, do not
for I’ll always go beside you; every moment I am near.”
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