Thursday, August 22, 2019

...I'll be good sometime

Take my life, lead me, Lord, take my life, lead me, Lord,
Make my life useful to thee.
---R. Maines Rawls, 1968

I was sitting up late one night during a holiday break, when college-age children were ‘home’ for a bit. My cell phone chime startled me out of a thoughtful reverie (ok, Sarah, I was probably asleep in the green chair), and I picked it up to read the following text message: I’ll be good sometime. After my heart stopped racing, I was able to decipher the message; the sender’s predictive texting had interpreted the entered word ‘home’ as the word ‘good’ (same letters on the T9 keypad). And while I’ll be home sometime isn’t terribly specific, it is much more comforting than  I’ll be good sometime.

In this life, most of us can handle being called to ‘goodness’. We can do that, even if it is only ‘sometimes’. But, God knows, family, we are called to more than goodness. We are called to usefulness, to service, to faithfulness to the Savior who poured out his own life for ours.

Friends, we are not called just to be ‘good sometime’; we are called to be good for something.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

...what light does

Live Your Light within and through us,
dawn in us eternal day.
Tell us, as we brave the darkness,
when to speak and what to say.
---Terry W. York, 2006

If you learned the song as a child, I bet you’ll have trouble not acting out some of the motions right now, where you sit---
            This little light of mine, I’m gonna let it shine,
Let it shine, let it shine, let it shine!
            Hide it under a bushel? No! I’m gonna let it shine!
            Won’t let Satan {whuff} it out! I’m gonna let it shine!
Did I see you with your finger up, 'letting it shine'? There is such a good message for us in this simple song---the message to live our truth boldly in the world, unashamed of the love we profess, refusing to let the not-love quench the flame. I want to live this way, I do; and some days I get closer than others.

But here’s the thing. If the Source of Light is in us (and It is, oh, It is), we. just. shine. Not because we’re shiny every single day. Not because we produce any light in and of ourselves. But because the Source, the Light of the World, is in us, lighting the world through us. All we’ve got to do is get out of the way and let the Light do…what Light does, for Heaven’s sake.

With the light of Christ in you---I dare you not to shine.

Saturday, August 3, 2019 more

gonna lay down my sword and shield
down by the riverside,
study war no more.
--black spiritual

the commitment to radical peace will require of us laying down both sword *and* shield--weapon *and* defense. learning to lay down fear and pick up trust.

meet you at the river. my hands will be empty.

Thursday, August 1, 2019

...and in me

Does sadness fill my mind? A solace here I find,
May Jesus Christ be praised!
Or fades my earthly bliss? My comfort still is this,
May Jesus Christ be praised!
The night becomes as day, when from the heart we say,
May Jesus Christ be praised!
The powers of darkness fear, when this sweet song they hear,
May Jesus Christ be praised!
--Katholisches Gesangbuch, 1828

Probably none of us, if we live long enough, will avoid the deep ache of sadness. Some may be fortunate, and experience only brief periods of ‘fadedness’. Others, through life circumstance or brain chemistry, may slog through long terms of depression and sadness. And, because Jesus walked this life fully human, we can surmise that he experienced every emotion common to humanity, including the dark cloud of sadness. This thought is so comforting to me --- to know that I can experience nothing that my Savior has not experienced first. And out of that comfort can come praise. In my darkest moment, I can cling to Christ, and sing my anguished, confused, joyful song of praise, faint or full though it may be.

May Jesus Christ be praised, and may praise do its transformative work in the world. And in me. And in me.