a kindness in his justice which is more than liberty.
the love of God is broader than the measure of the mind;
the heart of the Eternal is most wonderfully kind.
---Frederick W. Faber, 1854
There is good news for us today, friends! God refuses to be
restricted to the limits of our thoughts about God! What a humbling thought ---
that our minds cannot conceive of the true nature of God’s mercy, grace, and
provision. No matter how vast and gracious we make God in our minds, God is
bigger and more loving. Even our idea of liberty as a high human and divine
ideal is puny next to God’s sense of, and exercise of, justice. In a very real
way, we have no idea what God is capable of!
We must be careful, I think, not to limit God to our own
understanding, not to place labels on God that (by definition) will limit and
diminish God’s essential nature. We would do well, I think, not to trade the
limitless compassion of a mysterious God for the quantifiable allowances of a
manageable god. In the end, if that is the
trade we make, we miss out on so much of who God is.
But thanks be
to God! Whatever we think, feel, imagine…God…is…more.